I’m not sure that I could really wrap my brain around just how much the dynamics in our house would change when Max went back to school and Ruby started Kindergarten this year. In my mind I would become more productive then ever. Who knew that 4-2 would = adventure time?!?!
I was stuck in the rut of raising babies and mourning the passing of time…okay, and laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. I always, and I mean deeply, hate school starting. I feel slightly resentful that the school summons my littles aways from me each fall. Despite my general feeling of blaaa over school starting, each year they happily go. I stay home with the youngest while slurping down the coffee trying to do all the things AND keep my death grip on the ones I still get to keep at home with me.
So what is the lesson that I am truly learning each day now that Violet and Olive are my only home body crew? They are the adventure that I would do over and over again. The more I do with them, the slower time seems to go…the sweeter the memories seem to be. And I am talking simply, everyday, easy breezy kind of memories. Like wondering around looking for acorns for Violets imaginary pet chipmunk kind of adventures.
While it is true, I feel more unproductive than ever and I am pretty sure that my coffee mug is never out of my reach…I do feel like I am truly keeping them young.